Friday, November 23, 2012

I Sleep With an Egyptian...

I sleep with an Egyptian...well actually an abomination. His mother is a purebred Egyptian Mau of show quality and his father is a stray, scruffy manx whom we don't know the identity of, therefore my egyptian is a bastard. Not only do we not know who his father is but he was also born with five toes in the front and six toes in the back. He has a total of 22 toes. Not only did he get blessed with extra toes he also got a kinked tail. This little abominations name is Jasper.

Jasper is now 2 1/2 years old. He sleeps with me every night. Most of the time he will sleep by my feet but on occasion when he is feeling the need to cuddle he will work his way under the covers and snuggle with me. However, this usually happens after he has been feed. If he hasn't been feel he is very consistent on trying to get me up so he can go indulge in his breakfast. Here lately, his method has been going under my bed and clawing underneath it as he drags himself across the floor. He will also jump on the bed and whine relentlessly in my face.

Jasper is a creature of habit. After he's done eating he has to go for his nap and that is on a red cushy pillow on the rocking chair. This is his pillow, as he will not let any of his other companions sleep on it. I believe the reason for this is because he is part royalty, tracing his blood lines back to Egypt.

Because of his royalty and mannerism his nickname is "presh presh." It is very appropriate for his personality and his insanely soft fur!

It has now come to that hour of bed time, and I will now be taking my little Egyptian to bed with me!

Just in case you haven't guessed, he is my cat!

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