Friday, November 9, 2012

What to do with Dogs?!?!

I have had so many run-ins (literally) with dogs. I've encountered them while I have been running and while biking. I live out in the country so people don't keep there dogs in the yard like they are suppose to do in town. However, I know people do not always keep them locked up in town!

I suppose I should share some of my encounters with you that I have had with dogs and then discuss the real issue.....which is how to deal with them!

The worst encounter that I have had with a dog happened about 7 years ago. I was out running one summer evening on the road that I live on. It was an out and back run. I was feeling pretty good and just enjoying my easy run on this lovely evening. I was about 800 meters from home when this pit bull comes running out onto the road and bites my in the knee. I don't remember all the details that happened after that except that I screamed and kept running. Thank goodness that dog didn't continue to come after me since they are known to do that. I made it home just fine, but if I remember correctly I was a little shaken up, which made the remainder of the run unpleasant. Once I got home I let my parents know and they were furious about it. We ended up going to court on this issue and since the dog control person did not check in all the boxes on the citation that applied to this situation, we did not win. Which means, the dog is still alive and still down the road. I know the judge so badly wanted to rule in our favor because he knew they were in the wrong and he even said to everyone in the courtroom that he had issues with dogs like that. I am happy to say that I wasn't bitten badly and that I have not had an encounter with that dog ever since!

This next story is more recent. I believe this happened last summer. My sister and I were out on a bike ride and on a road that we have been on numerous times. So we pretty much know where the evil dogs are. We were out pretty early in the morning so we weren't expecting to see these dogs since they are normally left in until later. However, on this particular morning they were not. As we were riding by one of the dogs comes running out after us and tries to grab my foot but at least I had quick enough reflexes and was able to kick the dog in the face first (this was before I had clips and pedals, otherwise I don't know if I would have been able to do that). To top it off, the owners were outside while this was going on. They yelled at the dogs, but of course these kinds of dogs do not listen! After I kicked it in the face it backed off. Since this was also an out and back ride we were hoping they got put in so we wouldn't have to deal with them again.....and they were!

Now that you have now read a couple of my dog encounters you can see why I have no use for dogs that do things like this. I'm always hoping that a car will come at just the right time and hit the darn thing....but that has yet to happen! So now the question is, what should I do to avoid these dogs? I guess the most obvious thing to do is to not run or bike by these dogs. However, there are only so many roads I can train on where I live so if I was to avoid these then my training area would decrease dramatically! But no matter where I go there will never be a shortage of dogs!

I have thought about carrying a gun. Might sound a little gruesome but the law is that if it comes out on the road then its fair game, and it would solve the problem. Would never have to worry about that dog again!...But most likely those people would soon have another one. Also, I don't want to carry a gun cause that would be a little bulky and could get annoying real fast while running.

Second option: a knife! This almost sounds more gruesome to me than carrying a gun. But it wouldn't be bulky! I would have to have more skill with using a knife too since you have to be in closer proximity, and I think the chances of getting bit by the dog go up dramatically.....unless you're that good!

Third option: mace! This is probably the most logical idea. I have yet to try this...obviously. I just hope that it works if I am ever in need of using it. I guess I can always carry a knife if the mace fails me!

Does anyone have any better options? Or want to share any of your experiences? I'm sure there are many of you that have them!!

1 comment:

  1. Spraying water from a water bottle at the dogs has stymied many in my experiences!
