Saturday, November 3, 2012

Some Interesting, Funny Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Me!

This is where I often see them
Here are 17 facts that I would like to share with you. Why 17 you may ask. Well, 17 is my favorite and lucky number. But now that I told you that, I guess you now know 18 things about me!
  1. I always say hi to every Hawk I pass while riding or running
  2. Am often mistaken to be 16 years old
  3. Been asked on several occasions if my having long hair is for my religion...... its not!
  4. Always have salt on any kind of me, its good! Try it!
  5. I have bunions on both feet - Can be a nuisance at times!
  6. Have only broken one bone in my entire life - my left wrist
  7. I know how to tile, roof, paint, lay laminate and real wood floors, build a fence, deck, put siding on a house
  8. Have been running since I was about 11 years old (not competitively at that age)
  9. Frequently screw up sayings!
  10. I can bear crawl like no other! 
  11. I'm a bit of a clean freak. 
  12. Driving over consecutive speed bumps (at a higher speed than allowed) or a bumpy road always makes me giggle.
  13. Since the start of my 2012 season I have worn a Saint Christopher around my neck. It has not left my neck since I've put it on....I'm not superstitious, just a little stitious :P
  14. I will a lot of times sing or talk to myself while riding my bike....don't worry, I haven't gone crazy (yet), just entertaining myself. As I often bike alone.
  15. My road bike's name is Agatha, and my TT bike's name is Joon Pyo.....both bikes were named with help from my sisters...unintentionally.
  16. Broke out with chicken pox when I was 7 days old. Was the youngest patient to have them. Apparently I broke out really bad and they had to wrap my hands so I wouldn't scratch (glad I don't remember). Now I have scars from it!
  17. I love to cook and bake

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