Saturday, November 17, 2012

Most Frequently Asked Questions

This is kind of a follow up post to yesterday's questions and answers, or perhaps I should say it inspired me to write this one. Instead of me just answering questions (I'll probably answer them too) I will be writing some of the questions that I seem to be asked on a regular basis. I'm also very interested to see what some of your most frequently asked questions are? Write them in the comments section!

My answers to the questions are in purple.

  1. "How old are you?" ............ I'm 24 ..... Reaction: "Oh, really? Cause I thought you were 16!"
  2. "Can I see your ID?"...........*hands over ID* .... Reaction: *Stares at ID for awhile, then hands it back*
  3. "How did you get involved with triathlon?"....... Well, I have a background of running. I ran all through high school and 2 1/2 years for OSU. I got burned out and lost the love for running. So it was time to find something else. As I am not a person to do nothing. I'm still not sure how I heard of triathlon but I did a lot of swimming for cross training when I ran and any biking that I did I always enjoyed. Thus, I became a triathlete! ........ Reaction: "Wow, that's cool"
  4. "Why don't you have a boyfriend?"....... I'm waiting for the right guy ..... Reaction: "Oh"
  5. "How much do you workout?"........ I workout just about every day ....... Reaction: "Wow"
  6. "How many miles do you run every week?"...... It depends on the week but right now around 20..... Reaction: "Really?"
  7. "Are you a twins?" ...... No, we're a year apart. I have three sisters (4 sisters total, including me) and we are all a year apart...... Reaction: "Oh, cause I could of sworn you were! Maybe, 2 sets of twins or quadruplets?" 
My sisters: Starting from Left: Cassandra, Me, Devynn, Shavonne

Don't forget to write some of your frequently asked questions!   :)

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